Call to Worship

Pastor: Glory to God in the highest.

Congregation: For the Lord streaks the sky with lighting and causes the earth itself to tremble.

P: By God, For God, and Through God,

let us no longer seek the living among the dead.

C: Our searching and weeping

has come to an end.

P: The One whose birth, death and resurrection were foretold comes to us, full of redeeming grace.

C: Christ is victorious! And so are we!

P: No longer are we slaves to sin.

C: Because of the Savior’s victory,

we have been set free!

P: For the same holds true today as it was two-thousand years ago - the tomb is empty.

C: Blessed is Jesus Christ,

the first fruit of life everlasting.

P: He is risen!

C: He is risen indeed!

UMH 364 | Because He Lives


Because He lives

I can face tomorrow
Because He lives

All fear is gone
Because I know

He holds the future
And life is worth the living
Just because He lives

Stanza 1

God sent His son

They called Him Jesus
He came to love

Heal and forgive
He lived and died

To buy my pardon
An empty grave is there

To prove my Savior lives

Stanza 2

How sweet to hold

Our newborn baby

And feel the pride

And joy he gives

But greater still

The calm assurance

This child can face uncertain days

Because Christ lives

Stanza 3

And then one day

I'll cross that river

I'll fight life's final war with pain

And then as death

Gives way to vict'ry

I'll see the lights of glory

And I'll know He reigns


Offertory- Living Hope



Praise the one who set me free

Death has lost its grip on me
You have broken every chain
There's salvation in your name
Jesus Christ

My living hope

Verse 1

How great the chasm

That lay between us
How high the mountain

I could not climb
In desperation

I turned to heaven
And spoke your name into the night
Then through the darkness
Your loving kindness
Tore through the shadows of my soul
The work is finished

The end is written
Jesus Christ

My living hope

Verse 2

Who could imagine

So great a mercy?
What heart could fathom

Such boundless grace?
The God of ages

Stepped down from glory
To wear my sin and bear my shame
The cross has spoken

I am forgiven
The king of kings calls me His own
Beautiful savior

I'm yours forever
Jesus Christ

My living hope

Verse 3

Then came the morning

That sealed the promise
Your buried body

Began to breathe
Out of the silence

The roaring lion
Declared the grave

Has no claim on me
Jesus yours is the victory


Hallelujah Here Below


We sing


Jesus Christ our King enthroned

All the praise is Yours forevermore

Hallelujah here below

All the praise is Yours forevermore

Verse 1 & 2

We are an altar of broken stones

But You delight in the offering

You have the heavens

To call Your home

But You abide in the song we sing

Ten thousand angels

Surround Your throne

To bring You praise

That will never cease

But hallelujah from here below

Is still Your favorite melody

Verse 3

And should the fire

That once burned bright

Become an ember my eyes can't see

I will remember Your sacrifice

I will abide in Your love for me

Verse 4

Oh what a wonderful day to come

When every knee bows

Before Your Name

But we will not wait until it does

For here and now

Shall Your Kingdom reign

Responsive Prayer


Endless Alleluia


Let our voices rise

All creation cries

Singing out an endless alleluia

From this moment on

Join with Heaven's song

Singing out an endless alleluia


Only a moment to live this life

Like shooting stars

Burning up the night

'Til Heaven's opened and we arrive

In Your presence Lord

In Your presence


There's nothing better

There's nothing better

There's nothing better

Than this right now

Verse 1

In the morning

When I rise to meet You

In the morning

When I lift my eyes

You're the gentle light

That falls around me

You're the first thought

On my mind

Verse 2

In the moments

Where You go unnoticed

In the ordinary

Day to day

Countless miracles

Of life around us

Point like arrows

To Your name

Verse 3

In the evening

When I lay my head down

In the evening

When I close my eyes

You're still the only One

I wanna cling to

You're the last thought

On my mind


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